Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why write?

Because everything I write is about me. I find myself in each line, in each verse I write. I am there. My past, my fears, my uncertain present, my constant pain, my scars.

The characters that inhabit my fiction are all part of me, all different faces of who I am: the strong person who's gonna take over the world, the frightened girl who cannot seem to find a way out of this dark sadness, the man who lost everything but fights back, the man who has it all and cannot be happy.

It's always me behind them, they all borrow my voice to talk, to scream and to cry. They all borrow my feelings and I borrow theirs. I borrow, and steal their voices for saying the things I cannot say, I don't dare to say. They give me a safe place, their world is my refuge from a world (Laura's world) I sometimes find too cold, too difficult to inhabit.

This is simply the reason why I write!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

In the park

It's been a rough day... it's been a rough week.

Trying to find a new place because the new housemate that moved into my place is horrible.

But there is something even worse than having a bad time, and it is to discover some people you thought you could count on are not really there for you!

So... feeling lonely... I decided (it'll be a first) not to go for the cake and cookies but rather to an invigorating 2 hour walk around the park and then sat on a bench to look at the ducks, at the dogs, at the children laughing... and it worked: it made me feel slightly better.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feels like Tuesday, but it's Wednesday

Since it's only me reading my blog so far, I guess I'm more than entitled to start it off by saying: Dear Me..

Today's been a weird day... A lot to think about. And I do hate to make decisions. Once I heard this guy say that the best thing in a dinner party, if you were serving ice cream, was to offer only one flavor, so you eliminate the need to make a decision on which flavor to have. I sometimes think life would be easier if we eliminated choice... I sometimes feel this 'blessing' of having so many choices is actually a burden.

What else can I say about today? I cooked a lot for my Dukan diet, although I also had a whole packet of chocolate chunks (not chips but CHUNKS) cookies which were heavenly... But well... tomorrow, back to the diet!

That's it for today.

Bye bye, dear me, have a good night sleep.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday of new beginnings

It's been so long since I wrote anything on this blog. I just forgot about it, the same way I forget so many things... the same way I make plans I never actually follow through.

Anyway, I'm thinking of changing the whole theme of this blog and make it about my life: random thoughts, interesting trips or things I do (when I DO do them), etc. (more than anything it's going to be about etcetera, I guess).

So here it is: the re launch of my blog whose only reader so far is myself! :-)